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Sunday, January 18, 2009
HamHam is COOKED!!! HELP!!

Ta-da!!!! My handphone plushie!!! Cute rite?!!XD Many people calls him ham-ham~..

Although, its really not a hamster. According to my research, its a Kapibara... looks something like a retarded beaver.

Its kinda popular in those UFO catchers. This one was caught at AMK Hub=)

Another perspective of ham-ham.. =D

OKAY!! Enough of the introduction. I just felt like blogging about what happened to my poor ham-ham.

Its not a particularly lucky toy plushie, in fact, alot of my friends frequently accuse me of abusing my toy plushies.

1. I have a habit of holding small plushies by their neck. In other words, choking them.

2. I leave them lying anywhere around my house and they end up being trampled on by accident.

3. Plushies do fall behind my bed and they get left there for months without being notice. By the time they surface to the face of earth, they have became all black and dirty.

4. Kids who come over to my place... they twist, squeesh and throw my plushies around.

So yeah... be glad that u're not my plushie.

Of course, what happens to my plushies cannot be entirely listed out here, cuz number one, it'll be too many points and number two, i'm a very lazy person.

At this point, you'll be thinking.... what's this got to do with ham-ham?

Well, one sunny afternoon, i decided to take my meal at Pepper Lunch. The branch that was newly opened at the new wing of Jurong Point. We were given the choice to sit inside the house or take the seats outside pepper lunch. The difference between the 2 choices is that you can consume food outside pepper lunch if you sit out, if you sit in... NO OUTSIDE FOOD AND DRINKS ALLOWED.

I was there with my mum btw... the woman who insisted she wanted something cheaper outside. So i had no choice but to sit out.

Upon order, a ridiculous looking device was given to me. Apparently, its called a pager .... you noe that little outdated communication device that was used in the 1980s-90s. The auntie told me that the pager will start beeping when the my lunch is ready. And i have to come over and collect the hotplate myself. =_=

I was like WTF!!! I'm paying $11.50 for the food and SERVICE CHARGE !!! What kind of good service do you call this when you have to carry a sizzling hotplate that my disfigure my face by myself?

Okay, fine lo. BO BIAN.

Anywayz, i started walking back to my seat with that annoying device that blinks non-stop to wait patiently for it to start beeping.

I walked away from pepper lunch~ wondered through the foodcourt, found my mum in the midst of the crowd sitting there eating noodles.

Me: Ma, what drink do u want?

Mum: Dowan.

Me: Okay..

I put the device on the table and pulled the chair out... motions to sit on chair *slow motion*... BEEP* BEEP* BEEP*!!! O_O

Stupid thing BEEPED even before i could sit on the chair!

Might as well stand at the counter and wait right?!

So i cursed my way back to the counter dragging the device with me. Collected my sizzling plate and returned to by place.
As i bend to settle the plate on the table... i realised that HAM HAM who has been dangling around my neck WAS IN THE PLATE!!!!!!

posted @ 10:10 PM