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Friday, October 30, 2009

Its a happy Friday today. Schedule has been favorable recently and i gained more freedom as a result of it. Though it could be boring sometimes... arghh

Ended class at 1pm today, which is considered pretty early. Mich and i had lunch at FC3. We were trying to save money u see.. However, i ended up spending 4 bucks on some grilled fish. Sadded.

After lunch, we headed down to Bugis to meet Gene and conveniently purchased 2 sweater at COTTON ON. =) Great buy. 2 for 50.
However 3 of us were kinda aimless and didn't noe wad to do. Well, me being tired.. i suggested we sat down somewhere for a drink. Being a cheapskate.. i rmbed that if one were to spend more than 10 bucks at Bugis junction, i could exchange for a free drink at Macs!! So yep! that's where we went.

Got Gene to get me the free drink cuz i was a little paiseh to do this kinda thing la.. haha.. Anywayz.. the 3 of us started chatting~ and guess what?
A stupid bird was standing on the ledge of a chair behind me. Chirping and making alot of noises. Felt like roasting it. Anyways... Mich asked me to touch the bird and i tried. Its response? It begin to puff up in offence! And it call out for alliances!!! That seriously freaked me out. No way i wan to be running away from birds swooping down at me along the streets of BUGIS!

That aside, Mich called her mum and ask if she could bring the bird back. She thinks it couldn't fly~ =-=
Her mum agreed and so she tried catching it. To our horror, it hop onto my bag and onto my hand!!! Den it flew towards a flower pot nearby!! That horrendous and uncivilised bird could FLY!!!

Later in the day, Mich received call from Bakerzine. Apparently, she is to attend to an interview b4 6pm. Meaning we had to leave Bugis by 5pm.. leaving us with 2hrs to shop ard Bugis. We went to Art's Friend at bras bazaar and along the way, we met Shun Ding, Wee Keong and Lenian. XD about an hr later, Mich and i left the place with 2 canvas which we bought from Art's friend. Such a wonderful place with so many interesting stuff. I love it there.

As soon as it was 5pm, we headed to JP, for Mich's interview and to meet Alvin as well. In the end, Not onli Mich was hired. The person kinda 'forcefully' make me join their crew!! I told her i had to seek permission from my family.
And in short... (getting lazy) My mum agreed with litle persuasion... YAY!!
So i'll be working at bakerzine from 9th Nov!=)
But it seems i have to spend some money on uniform, shoes and stuff b4 work.
tts it for today!

My heart is in deep shit

posted @ 7:47 AM

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Its Thursday

Phew! Finally back home~ Was actually quite lonely and nervous walking all the way back on two feets.

I actually wanted to give up as soon as i reached lakeside... but i kept rooting on myself. i walked passed the MRT, refuse to lift my head up to look at the bus-stop. I just kept on walking down the path thinking about the dinner waiting for me at home.

Along the way, many things went through my head... mostly, not too good stuff. My heart stop, skipped a beat wadever sort of random feelings. Then i felt my legs slowing down, i got sadder and a little scared.
However, u'll never guess wad motivated me to move even faster.. A BANGALA IN FRONT!!!=D
haha!! cannot lose to him. >.<>

Anyways, i really dread school. The only think that ever exist in my head is.. what time is it? Can i go now...? Oh shut up!
Speaking of which, reminds me of something and someone..

Its a she. We do talk when we meet... and if you ask her, she'll probably say yes.. she and i are good frens! =_=

Friends huh? If u were to ask me to describe her.. It'll be this lady if full of herself, arrogant, show off, cocky, bitchy, slutty, ridiculous, quick witted, intelligent person with a twisted tougue. I don't really like her. In fact, sometimes i'm a little turnoff when i see her. She annoys me alot these days.

This morning, i came into class with my pink dolphin drink. I saw my groupmate's bag at the end of the class and stroll towards the seat while drinking pinky~ GUESS WHAT? 'SHE' was just nice standing near tt seat chatting chatting with another classmate and as soon as i get pass her.... ZOOP!! pink dolphin slipped outta my hand and the next second, she was consuming my PINKY for FREE!!!! Hey!! I never said anything about letting her take a sip. And what about asking??? irritating.

Then she was like.. Eww.. i tot it was plain water.. den shove it back to me walking away haughtily. Hey. i noe such things happen in highschool musical or wadsoever shit... but not here in Singapore. She's just simply out of place.

Sometimes, i think she's crazy. Her mind totally blanko out all our existance. Argghh!

On the other hand, if she really sees me as her friend. Forgive me.. because i was like laughing loudly in my heart a couple of time when i hear some other people mocking her for her outrageous behaviour. Sigh.. wadever...

I think i manage to lose 1kg... But my arms and legs hurt now~

posted @ 5:31 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
The 9 members

Recently, our clique are going out together more often. Under the influence of Alvin the stone and Linus the stitch... Mich and I were going to the gym more frequently. We began taking part in more exercises like walking from boon lay to tiong bahru.

Although Rini's always quite busy, she was always steady abt Singing Kbox and drinkin.
JJ also very on too.. in fact, he's always in every outing.

William?? haha.. make the whole grp laugh lor sometimes.

Gene is always not ard... sigh

Anyways.. we decided to get a grp jersey. And each of us has to pick frm one to nine.

1- Linus
2- Rini
3- Jayme
4- Alvin
5- William
6- Michelle
7- JunJie

Wonder when will the jersey ever be ready.. its so expensive..

posted @ 8:08 AM

I'm FREE!!!!

The first day of MY holiday feels just like yesterday only. I can still freshly remember the details of the events that i choose to rmb. =) However.. some things must remain a secret. =) shhhh..

Parts i choose to rmb are..
1. i caught a movie with shell, Al, JJ, William
2. I think =_= i kena the seat beside William
3. The first time i met with Linus (The new guy)
4. We played basketball
6. Linus attended to mich's wound
7. My Oreo banana...
8. We go eat dinner tgt
9. William stare at me
10. Alvin decides to interrogate William abt his love interest
11. Sat bus home with william, Alvin and Linus.
12. Mich's bracelet was still with me
13. I wanted Linus to pass it to Mich (forgive me.. match-making is fun!)
14. But william so extra.. i think he said something to make it sound like i'll be seeing Mich the next day, so it'll be retarded of my to do no.13
15. I push stone.

Seriously, with this points.. i could go on to write an essay.. but forget it ok.. i'm tt lazy.

From this day on... things start to get more interesting for me.. ( A LITTLE DRAMA)
I grew closer to the people, i liked them all alot. But William began to behave strangely in my opinion. in a way.. i felt like i was being stalked and i felt a little caged up again. No matter where i turn.. where i looked.. the william presence was always there. And its in my way.

posted @ 7:53 AM

Holidays with my friends

Hi!! My name is Jayme, and i am 19 years old... and i hate to blog..

Right after the horrible exams.. All SP students is to enjoy a splendid 6 weeks of holidays!! (Cool ar!) But not me.


Its like a fish born on land.. so can't swim. Super shitty.

Therefore, if i were ur average innocent little girl, i would probably be cooped up at home for the rest of the holidays and continue gaining fats and mother earth would have lost more space.
However, JAYME QUEK is not such a stupid person, and she will not seat at home to rot! guess we all have to thank god for blessing me with the skill to lie. =D

I told my mum holidays only lasted for 2 weeks and i would have to return to school by the 3rd week. The whole idea was to get an excuse to be out of house to play of course. So I stayed at home like a house pet for two weeks and gain extra pounds.
Anyways.. i manage to sneak out one day, to catch a movie with Alvin, SHell, Rini, JJ and William. Thank you people, you guys brighten up my life. I found everyone quite fun and i yearn to go out with them more often.

At home, i watched the TV, surf the internet laugh at people and listen to michelle's rantings and her stories outside.

Apparently in her stories, she had been going out with alvin and gang alot. The people consisted of JJ, william =(, Gene and a new guy.
Honestly, i was kinda unenthu abt the whole thing, cuz.. I HATE BASKETBALL! I AM VV SIAN TO GO OUT WITH WILLIAM... and i wasn't on talking terms with Gene-chan.. I was like goddd... how sia..

The only thing that is worth being interested about is the new guy. I didn't know how he looked like at the point in time. And i wanna noe.. nevertheless, i didn;t really carry much hope, since mich thinks he's cute. I always tot her concept of good-looking guys is extremely warped.


Later, she even showed me his picture. I was like.. heng arrr... lucky dun look UGLY. Can u imagine having to go out with a person with not only no thrill.. but so UGLY.. Its depressing.


posted @ 7:20 AM

Perfect!! By now, months and months have passed and so have many extraordinary chapters of my pathetic life.

I mentioned about attachment in the last entry back in April... so guess i shall start from there.

Looking back at it.. i can only say that i learnt technically nothing useful during the ''quest''. I merely perform like myself as always- lazy, impatient... clueless.. in the end, everything i do seem to always have significant flaws in them. That aside, who cares what my job is in PA. I don't give a shit, and no one else does either.

However, no matter where i go... i intend to come back with great harvest... if ANY. And i did... my fruit? A boyfriend.. Nice guy but clueless. I'm too tired to elaborate. Why? because by today, we broke up... and i have no interest in discussing whatever happened in between. All i can say is, i have always been suay in relationships. No matter how devoted i was to them, their answer would be.. "i have never really loved anyone b4''..

Believe it or not.. none of my ex ever told me they loved me. To me, i was merely a 30 day relationship trial test.

The next 3 months, i spent my life resenting my fate... struggle with studies... almost got kicked outta school. blah blah.... hate talking abt unhappy things. Lets just skip this..

More significant thingy, i had a fight with gene. Kinda..
Nothing much was said.. but becuz of tt.. I was taken out of the gloom..

Fast forward.. fast forward..*

HOLIDAYS!!! haha.. next entry...

( sucky entry for a good start...=)) cheers*

posted @ 7:00 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Its been months since I've last written an entry. Many things have happened during these 3 to 4 months. My surroundings have since changed.

Currently, i'm doing the industrial training at admiralty. Although its just one stupid school module thingy, i managed to grab hold of someone significant to my life at the moment. though, I feel kinda guilty to what that someone really mean to me. Am i committing a crime again? Who cares. Its too risky to reveal a thing.

anyways, my life hasn't been too cruel yet. i'm not exactly at the highest point of what life can be.. but at least i dun feel miserable or not too consumed by darkness. Although I;ve lost what use to be... but they aren't that important anymore. Who needs people who become weeds to the field. Its not that i'm not sentimental~ I'm just tired of negative things with no reasonings.

For now, I'll do with wad i have. i'm not dying from anything. I just need to move on by stepping on rocks and stones on the lake.

posted @ 6:44 AM